How To Get Subtitles On Ted Talks

How To Get Subtitles On Ted Talks

TED Talks are renowned for their inspiring and thought-provoking speeches on a wide range of topics. However, not everyone can understand the spoken language used in these talks. Luckily, TED provides subtitles in multiple languages, making it accessible to a global audience. In this article, we will guide you on how to get subtitles on TED Talks.

Step 1: Visit the TED Talks website

Open your preferred web browser and go to the TED Talks website at This website hosts a vast collection of talks covering various subjects, including science, technology, art, and more.

Step 2: Find a TED Talk of interest

Browse through the available talks or use the search bar to find a specific topic or speaker you are interested in. Once you have selected a talk, click on its title or thumbnail to open the video player.

Step 3: Open the subtitles menu

In the video player, locate the subtitle icon, which looks like a speech bubble. Click on it to open the subtitles menu.

Step 4: Select a subtitle language

In the subtitles menu, you will see a list of available languages. TED Talks provides subtitles in many languages, including English, Spanish, French, German, Chinese, and more. Click on the language you prefer, or choose “Auto-translate” to let TED automatically select the language based on your browser settings.

Step 5: Adjust subtitle settings (optional)

TED Talks offers additional settings to customize your subtitle experience. You can change the font size, toggle background opacity, and even enable a transcript of the talk. These options can be found by clicking on the gear icon next to the language selection.

Step 6: Enjoy the TED Talk with subtitles

Once you have selected your preferred subtitle language and made any desired adjustments, click on the “Play” button to start the TED Talk. The subtitles will now appear at the bottom of the video, allowing you to follow along with the speaker’s words.

HTML Headings:

In HTML, headings are used to structure the content of a webpage. They help both users and search engines understand the hierarchy and organization of the information. Here is an example of how to use HTML headings in an article about getting subtitles on TED Talks:

Step 1: Visit the TED Talks website

Step 2: Find a TED Talk of interest

Step 3: Open the subtitles menu

Step 4: Select a subtitle language

Step 5: Adjust subtitle settings (optional)

Step 6: Enjoy the TED Talk with subtitles

Why are HTML headings important?

Using HTML headings in your article

Examples of HTML headings

By following these steps, you can easily access subtitles on TED Talks and expand your understanding of the incredible ideas shared in these talks. Whether you prefer to read the subtitles or need them due to language barriers, TED’s dedication to inclusivity ensures that their talks can be enjoyed by a diverse global audience. So go ahead, explore TED Talks, and immerse yourself in the world of knowledge and inspiration.

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