How To Outsmart Your Own Unconscious Bias Ted Talk


Unconscious bias refers to the biases we hold without being consciously aware of them. These biases affect our decision-making processes and perceptions of others, often leading to unfair treatment or judgment. In her thought-provoking TED Talk, “How To Outsmart Your Own Unconscious Bias,” social psychologist Dr. Valerie Alexander provides valuable insights and strategies to overcome these biases and promote fairness and equality.

Understanding Unconscious Bias

In this section, Dr. Alexander explains the concept of unconscious bias and its impact on our daily lives. She highlights that these biases are not indicative of being a bad person, but rather a result of the way our brains process information. By acknowledging and understanding our biases, we can take steps to mitigate their influence.

Recognizing Your Biases

Dr. Alexander emphasizes the importance of recognizing and acknowledging our biases. She encourages individuals to reflect on their assumptions, attitudes, and stereotypes, as well as their impact on decision-making processes. By being self-aware, we can start challenging and questioning our biases, paving the way for fairer judgments and interactions.

Questioning Assumptions

One of the key strategies outlined in Dr. Alexander’s talk is the art of questioning assumptions. She suggests that by actively challenging our initial thoughts and assumptions about others, we can uncover biases that may be influencing our perceptions. This practice allows for a more open and unbiased mindset, fostering greater empathy and understanding.

Expanding Your Exposure

To counteract unconscious bias, Dr. Alexander advises actively seeking out diverse perspectives and experiences. By intentionally exposing ourselves to different cultures, beliefs, and backgrounds, we can broaden our understanding and reduce the impact of biases. This exposure helps us develop a more inclusive worldview and promotes fairer treatment of others.

Creating a Bias-Free Environment

Dr. Alexander addresses the importance of creating a bias-free environment in both personal and professional settings. She encourages individuals to challenge biased behaviors and language, as well as advocate for inclusivity and diversity. By fostering an environment that actively combats unconscious bias, we can create spaces where everyone feels valued and respected.


Dr. Valerie Alexander’s TED Talk, “How To Outsmart Your Own Unconscious Bias,” offers valuable insights and practical strategies to overcome unconscious biases. By understanding and acknowledging our biases, questioning assumptions, expanding our exposure, and creating bias-free environments, we can work towards a fairer and more inclusive society. It is crucial to continuously challenge ourselves and actively combat unconscious bias to build a world where everyone is treated with dignity and respect.

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